Setup Database with Improve Performance and Reliability on Cloud

Learn how a stock broker company was able to reduce downtime and handle increased traffic with customized Redis architecture and monitoring setup by Texple Consulting

Enhancing Database Performance and Reliability on Cloud. In the fast-paced world of the stock market, every second is crucial. Our client, a leading stock brokerage firm, faced challenges with their existing infrastructure’s inability to keep up with business demands. They approached us to help set up Redis on AWS for improved performance and reliability.


The client required a scalable solution to accommodate their growing customer base and ensure uninterrupted service. They needed improved performance and reliability to maintain their reputation in the competitive stock market industry.


The client’s traditional database setup was not scalable, leading to performance issues and downtime. This impacted their business reputation and hindered their ability to serve customers effectively.


To address these challenges, we recommended setting up Redis on AWS with Sentinel for active failover. Our solution included:

  • Customized Redis architecture tailored to the client’s needs, including sharding for handling large volumes of data.
  • Implementation of Sentinel for active failover, ensuring uninterrupted service in the event of server failure.
  • Configuration of Grafana dashboard for performance monitoring, equipped with essential alerts for proactive issue resolution.
The Approach:
  • Assessment: Evaluated client’s existing infrastructure and identified performance bottlenecks and reliability issues.
  • Recommendation: Proposed Redis on AWS with Sentinel for active failover as the solution to improve performance and reliability.
  • Customization: Tailored Redis architecture to meet client’s specific requirements, including sharding for scalability.
  • Implementation: Deployed Redis on AWS with Sentinel and configured Grafana dashboard for performance monitoring.
  • Testing and Optimization: Conducted thorough testing and optimization to ensure the solution met performance and reliability goals.
Benefits Achieved:
  • Reduced Downtime: Significant reduction in downtime, ensuring uninterrupted service for customers.
  • Improved Performance: Enhanced performance, enabling the client to handle increased traffic efficiently.
  • Reliability: Active failover feature of Sentinel provided continuous service even during server failures.
  • Proactive Issue Resolution: Grafana dashboard facilitated proactive monitoring and issue resolution, improving overall system reliability.

The customized Redis architecture and monitoring setup implemented by Texple Consulting proved to be the ideal solution for our stock brokerage client. With improved performance and reliability, they were able to handle increased traffic, reduce downtime, and enhance customer satisfaction. This success story highlights the importance of leveraging cloud-based solutions for performance and reliability improvements in competitive industries like the stock market.

Kotak Securities
Business, Strategy
1 Month